ISSN: 2155-9910

Морские науки: исследования и разработки

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Production of Novel Antiprotozoal and Anthelminthic Compounds from Marine Surface Associated Bacteria

Sala Uddin GM, Md. Rashed Nejum, Md. Rezuanul Islam and Md. Monirul Islam

Parasitic infections are the most prevalent in humans in developing countries and one third of the world population are infected by intestinal parasites. In addition, it affects millions of heads of livestock throughout the world. Global infections and widespread drug resistances exhibited by both protozoa and helminthes which have great challenge to present medicine. New medicine or bioactive may be talented solution of this problem. Combinatorial biosynthesis is one of the approaches for protecting parasitic infection but bioactive from natural origin provides diversity and structural complexity of the compounds with densely packed functional groups allowing maximum selectivity and interaction to the target. Currently the majority of antibiotics used in clinical practice are natural product origin. Living marine surfaces provide environment rich epibiotic microorganisms (e.g., bacteria) that produce bioactive compounds. By improving the culturability and using upgrade techniques it is possible to overcome the challenge of bioactive production. Microorganisms are currently accepted as the best renewable source of bioactive and marine living surface have great potential of producing novel bioactive compounds useful for further drug development. This review evaluate that marine surface associated bacteria are great source for production of novel antiprotozoal and anthelminthic compounds.

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