ISSN: 2155-952X

Биотехнологии и биоматериалы

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Productivity of biomass and bioenergy in tropical ecosystem through integrated bio-cycle management

Cahyono Agus

High net primary production in tropical ecosystems is supported more by rapid biogeochemical cycles than their weathered low fertility soils,
due to high temperatures, rainfall, humidity, and light intensity during the year. Although tropical ecosystem has high biomass productivity, the
economic value is low. The new paradigm from extraction to natural resource empowerment will provide a challenge in the shift from a red and
green economy to a smart blue economy concept with a global sustainable development for the future. Energy is an important requirement for
economic development, specifically to improve conditions that affect all aspects of human welfare. Environmental and genetic engineering for the
development of organic materials through biomass, biogas, biofuel, bio-reactor, algae fuel, bio-hydrogen, and other bioenergy can increase their
productivity for renewable energy. The Integrated Bio-cycle Management (IBM) is a close-to-nature ecosystem used for ecological landscape
management of land (soil, minerals, water, air, and microclimate) and biological resources (flora, fauna, humans) for higher added value in
the environment, economy, socio-culture, and human health. The cycles of energy, organic matter and carbon, water, nutrients, production,
crops, and monetary resources is managed through 9R (reuse, reduce, recycle, refill, replace, repair, replant, rebuild, and reward) management.
Global warming that indicated by increasing of air temperature, greenhouse gas, sea surface, ocean temperature and sea level would affect
biogeochemical cycles, especially their bio-productivity in tropical ecosystem. Development of organic materials as sources of renewable energy
through integrated bio-cycle management is important for sustainable development in tropical ecosystems with better bio-technology by genetic
improvement, environmental manipulation, purification, packing, and compression.

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