ISSN: 2332-2608

Рыболовство и животноводство

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Proximate Analysis and Nutritional Value of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Fed with Local (Telferia occidentales and Moringa olefera) and Industrial Feed (Coppens)

Solomon RJ* and Oluchi AR

Work on Proximate Analysis and Nutritional Value of catfish fed with Local and Industrial feed was carried out from July-September, 2017. The fish were fed from Juveniles to Adulthood with various feed types. The Proximate Analysis results and the nutritional value shows that Juveniles fed with Telferia occidentales composition has the highest moisture content 74.08% those fed with Coppens has the lowest moisture content 69.32%. While in Adult Catfish, those fed with Coppens had the highest moisture content 78.70% and those fed with Telferia occidentales composition had the lowest 72.63%. The protein content in Juveniles fed with Telferia occidentales composition 20.00% and these fed with Moringa olefera had the lowest protein content of 18.88%, also protein content in adult fed Coppens has the highest protein content 20.75% and those fed with Moringa olefera composition had the lowest protein content 19.09%. The Carbohydrate content in Juveniles is highest in those fed with Moringa olefera composition 8.71% and those fed with Telferia occidentales composition has the lowest carbohydrate content 2.90%. While in adult catfish, those fed with Coppens had the highest content 6.07% and those fed with Moringa Olefera has the lowest carbohydrate content 2.18%. The Mean Oil content in Juveniles fed with Moringa olefera composition is highest 1.31% compared to others fed with Coppens, 1.30% and Telfera occidnetales composition, 1.11%. The Mean Oil content in adult is highest in those fed with Moringa olefera 1.40% and lowest in those fed with Telfera occidentales composition, 1.30%. The Ash Content in Juveniles fed with Moringa olefera was high 1.91% and low in those fed with Telfera occidentales composition 1.00%, adults fed with Moringa olefera composition is high 1.33% and low in those fed with Coppens 1.17%.

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