ISSN: 1165-158X

Клеточная и молекулярная биология

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Recent Advances in Cardiac Troponin I Based Sensors for Detection of Human Heart Attack

Bhatnagar D, Palit S, Singh MP, Kaur I and Kumar A

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is considered as a major life threat in human globally, and with time more sophisticated technique for estimating and therapeutics is still desirable. There has been rising attention in detection of diagnostic biomarker for cardiac injury to predict risk of heart attack. Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) has established to be a convincing biomarker for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) detection. An immunoassay and aptamer based biosensors for cTnI can play a significant role in diagnosis of AMI. Over the past decades, several approaches concerning cTnI detection have been investigated, including colorimetric, fluorescence, electrochemical, surface plasmon resonance and paramagnetic. This review focussed more on recent methodologies about surface immobilized detection of cTnI.