ISSN: 2165-7386

Паллиативная помощь и медицина

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Reflections on the Psychology of Modern Healthcare Systems: Is there Any Way Out of the Warlike Model of Medicine?

Farzad Goli

The discourse of modern medicine is formed around war metaphors. There are plenty of health instructions around fighting diseases, microbes, stress, or even depression. These extensive struggles with all the pathogens and pathologies are rooted in an animistic error and basic insecurity due to the existential alienation of the biobehavioral health systems. This warlike model of care is personifying the disease and depersonalizes human beings to analyze them as standard objects. Such a hyper-individualistic mindset that tries to reproduce itself, without opening up to others and existence, is very fragile and non-conducive to the sustainable development of health and happiness. without caring for the vital inter and transpersonal extensions of the body, even evidence-based medicine can be profoundly biased when one wants to care for isolated individuals. To establish an agapistic model of care instead of the current military one, we need to actualize our natural resources and be more humble to the non-cognitive knowledge embedded in our bodies; our intra/inter/transpersonal bodies.

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