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Reproductive Characteristics of Growing Beetal Goat Fed on Fermented Cotton Seed Cake

Muhammad Jabbar, Huma Nawaz

Background: Cotton seed cake is the byproduct of cotton which is produced worldwide

Aims and Objectives: This study was aimed to investigate the effect of Fermented Cotton Seed Cake (FCSC) on reproductive characteristics of growing beetal goats.

Methodology: Thirty goats (n=6 per treatment) were randomly assigned to five dietary treatments arranged in a 2x2 factorial with a control within a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). For Solid state fermentation (SSF) purposes Aspergillus terreus, was employed. Diet was offered by adding FCSC at 0 (control), 10%, and 20%, 30% and 40% levels for 12 weeks. At the end three animals per treatment were slaughtered and dissection of reproductive organs was done by measuring and processing for sperm evaluation. The reproductive parameters evaluated include testicular and epididymal morphometrics, Daily Sperm Production (DSP), Daily Sperm Production per gram testis (DSP/g), Gonadal Sperm Reserve (GSR), sperm count and motility.

Results: Fermented Cotton Seed Cake (FCSC) level resulted in significant (p<0.05) reduction in testicular weights,lengths and volume and significantly (p<0.05) lowering of epididymal weight as compared to the control group. 10% FCSC in diet did not compromise with DSP, DSP/g, GSR, sperm count and motility, while T3, T4 and T5 FCSC diet level significantly reduces these parameters.

Conclusion: It was concluded that feeding FCSC - based diets to goats adversely affected the testicular and epididymal morphometrics.

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