ISSN: 2165-7386

Паллиативная помощь и медицина

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  • Женевский фонд медицинского образования и исследований
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Review on the Fundamental Approach to Giving Palliative Care Patients the Greatest Care

James Baker

The proportion of people suffering from advanced cancer or end-stage illnesses is rising as a result of population ageing, medical advancements, and improvements in public healthcare. These patients frequently go to an emergency room for help because of the load of symptoms they experience in the latter months of their lives. Acute care hospital-based services are frequently more effectively suited to managing the requirements of patients with severe chronic illnesses than treating acute clinical situations in industrialised nations. Medical practitioners who care for the palliative care (PC) population in hospitals face very substantial clinical issues as a result. To find the appropriate care model for these PC patients, the authors have created four critical questions (who, why, when, and how) to answer. The issues concern: (1) identifying individuals with serious chronic diseases; (2) managing the difficulty of these individuals unanticipated hospital admissions; (3) identifying PC patients among individuals with serious chronic diseases; and (4) determining the proper work of caring for this inpatient PC population. Acute care hospitals should plan the process of caring for these inpatients. Clinicians require the expertise, resources, and services to care for these PC patients.

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