ISSN: ISSN 2472-016X

Журнал ортопедической онкологии

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Risk Prognosis Model Construction and Model Effectiveness Evaluation of Bone Cancer

Li Yuan

Using a specific whole-genome expression profile and genes related to epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), the purpose of this study was to create a weighted co-expression network and a BC prognosis evaluation system; thus providing the foundation and reference for determining the risk of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) spreading to the bone as a prognostic factor. Four quality articulation datasets of countless examples from GEO were downloaded and consolidated with the dbEMT data set to screen out EMT differentially communicated qualities (DEGs). A weighted coexpression network for EMT DEGs was constructed using the GSE20685 dataset as a training set, and the hub genes with the greatest relevance to metastasis were chosen.

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