ISSN: 2155-6105

Журнал исследований и терапии зависимостей

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Safety and Quality Concerns Regarding Over-the-Counter Sexual Enhancement Products Sold in the USA Market Pose a Major Health Risk

Mohammed Ahmed, Suneeta Kumari*, Partam Manali, Snezana Sonje and Mansoor Malik

Safety and quality concerns regarding over the counter sexual enhancement products sold in the USA market pose a major health risk to the general public. Nevertheless, the use of herbal medicines continues to expand rapidly across world and many people perceive usage of herbal medication as a safe and reliable way to improve health outcome. The safety of herbal supplements has become a globally major concern in national and international health authorities due to increasing adverse events and adulterations associated with usage of herbal medications. These non FDA approved products with unknown ingredients are widely accessible for purchase ranging from local food, drug stores and to the internet. These Erectile Dysfunction (ED) pills may contain Sildenafil, the active ingredient of Viagra in much higher quantity then legally prescribed by a licensed physician or they may contain unknown quantities of Thiosildenafil, the active ingredient in Cialis. The types of chemicals found in these medications are making it harder for regulatory authorities to track them down. These products keep the consumer in the dark in terms of the quantity, ingredients, effectiveness and possible side effects. These sexual enhancement products are being sold as safe and natural with false hopes to resolve erectile dysfunction. Patients who are prone to impulsive hypersexual behavior such as patients with bipolar disorder, substance use, borderline personality disorder and those who may feel adamant to discuss erectile dysfunction with their physicians are more likely to become the victims of using illicit medications/ drugs with serious health risks consequences. We present a case report of an individual with bipolar disorder and hypersexual behavior who became victim to over the counter sexual enhancement products/supplements which caused serious health and life threatening consequences.

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