ISSN: 2155-9910

Морские науки: исследования и разработки

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  • Каталог индексирования исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
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Sequence Development and Palaeogeography Evolution of Ewan and Oloye Fields (Middle Miocene), Northwestern Niger Delta

Durogbitan A Abimbola

Sequences developed within the middle Miocene in the study area are interpreted to be controlled locally by episodic shelf instabilility, basin physiography (shelf edge), fault growth and linkage. Relative sea level changes provide the major control on sequence development and deep valley incisions. The latter have a strong geomorphological impact on the area and a strong control on sequence variability. Interpretation of GDE maps shows that sands were originally deposited in river- and mouth bars with longshore drift currents redistributing the sand parallel to the shoreline. During lowstand periods, canyons developed which served as conduits for sand to the basin (deep water sand), recognized as high amplitude seismic facies on the slope and on the basin floor. This mechanism has led to the deposition of considerable amount of sandstones in the slope and offshore environments. Idealized schematic sequence stratigraphic development models have been generated for the study area, while schematic palaeogeography and general conceptual depositional models of the study area during middle Miocene time are also presented.