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Strategic Assessment of Dispensing Errors in Hospital Pharmacy.

Majid Khan, Muhammad Riaz, Rahmatullah, Sharif Ahmad and    Hayat Muhammad

World Health Organization defines the dispensing is the main part of the rational use of medications as the right medications are given to the patients in specific doses for specific time period and cost effective. The dispensing practice is the subpart of medications which is the third leading cause of death. The concurrent study conducted of 201 patients in Pharmacy department of Tertiary care hospital on special type of proforma recommended for Good dispensing practice and World Health Organization WHO indicator for patient care and rational dispensing. Out of total patients 115 (57.21%) were male and 86 (42.7%) were female the dispensing error evaluated by using dispensing cycle which is consist of 6 steps out of 6, 26 (86.6%) dispensing cycle were followed and 4 (13.6%) deviates, beside that the WHO indicator for patient care and rational dispensing utilized in which 10 (59%) steps followed and the remaining 07 (41%) not followed up to the mark to improve overall health status and rational dispensing, the therapeutic and generic equivalents were common in practice and all of the drugs mentioned once but this practice was on the basis of products availability. The current study concluded that the Good Dispensing Cycle was followed up to some extent but not completely.