ISSN: 2329-910X

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Surgical Techniques Used for Correction of Post Burn Contractures and Deformities of the Foot

Shakirov BM

Scaring and foot and ankle joint contractures after burn are the result of deep partial and full thickness burns that affect foot motion, impair the lower extremity function, and often benefit from surgical reconstruction. One hundred twenty one cases and total number of 154 burn scar contractures and deformities of the foot were treated at the Inter Regional Burn Center and Burn Department of RCSUMA Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
Long term outcomes of operations performed suggest that the burned patient benefits from close observation to detect developing scar benefiting from intervention or slow growth of the injured extremity and the development of secondary changes of bones and joints. From our experience operations should be considered before development of severe scars to prevent secondary changes. In the case of severe contracture the procedure should be considered as soon as possible after detection.
The results of this report suggest that outcomes of operative interventions of the burn induced foot and ankle deformities depend on: (1) localization of scar contractures; (2) depth of injury; (3) presence of local uninjured skin for reconstruction, and (4) presence of osseous injury or osseous changes secondary to chronic scar contracture. Observations of location of foot and ankle joint contractures after burn, surgical procedure performed and results in our series are presented in this manuscript.

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