ISSN: E-2314-7326

Нейроинфекционные заболевания

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The Administration of Nano Suspensions Containing Antiviral Agents from the Nose to the Brain is One Method of Treating Neuro-AIDS Patients

Aarti V Belgamwar

Intranasal drug delivery is one in all the battle areas of the analysis in targeting drug to the brain. Nose to brain drug delivery follows the exteroception pathway and supposedly proverbial to be a lot of economical to deliver neuro-therapeutics to the brain by circumventing the BBB and thereby increasing bioavailability of medicine within the brain. The advantage of this technique is non-invasiveness, speedy onset of action and helps to realize web site specific delivery. During this analysis work Nano suspension were ready victimization combination of antiretroviral agents for Neuro-AIDS treatment. Nano suspensions were ready by high-speed homogenization, wet edge and aggressive homogenization techniques. Formulations were analyzed by SEM, FTIR, and DSC. Morphology and stability analysis was done by analysing letter of the alphabet potential, particle size, and PDI. Ex-vivo diffusion study and histopathological analysis was performed victimization goat nasal tissue layer. air mass homogenization was found to be best technique for formulation of nanosuspension. Antiviral medicine may well be delivered with success by optimizing nasal dose type.

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