ISSN: E-2314-7326

Нейроинфекционные заболевания

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The Parkinson Pandemic: Emerging Evidence

Hana Mitchell

In the past twenty years, much advancement has improved the care of HIV-infected people. Most significantly, the event and readying of combination antiretroviral medical care (CART) has resulted during a dramatic decline within the rate of deaths from AIDS, in order that individuals living with HIV these days have nearly traditional life expectations if treated with CART. The term HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) has been accustomed describe the spectrum of neurocognitive dysfunction related to HIV infection. HIV will enter the central nervous system throughout early stages of infection, and protracted central nervous system HIV infection and inflammation most likely contribute to the event of HAND. The brain will afterward function a sanctuary for in progress HIV replication; even once general infective agent suppression has been achieved. HAND will stay in patients treated with CART, and its effects on survival, quality of life and everyday functioning build it a vital unresolved issue. During this Review, we have a tendency to describe the medical specialty of HAND, the evolving ideas of its neuropath genesis, novel insights from animal models, and new approaches to treatment. We have a tendency to conjointly discuss however inflammation is sustained in chronic HIV infection.

Moreover, we propose that connected therapies — treatments targeting central nervous system inflammation and alternative metabolic processes, together with salt equilibrium, super molecule and energy metabolism — area unit required to reverse or improve HAND-related neurologic dysfunction.

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