ISSN: 2157-7625

Журнал экосистемы и экографии

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The Potential Environmental Pollution Leachate Landfills and Human Health Risk Assessment of Nearby Groundwater

Zhen Wang

One of the results of landfill frameworks is the outflow of leachate, which is able of causing defilement of the encompassing environment, counting groundwater. Considering three major deserted landfills in an urban region in Nigeria, the potential natural contamination due to leachate created from landfills and human wellbeing hazard evaluation of adjacent groundwater were inspected utilizing research facility benchmarks. The result uncovered that the landfills’ leachate contamination record (LPI) is 18.84and 19.66, showing potential contamination of the environment, counting groundwater and soil. The estimation for Add up to Carcinogenic Chance (TCR) for carcinogenic metals (As, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb) from different landfill shown no carcinogenic hazard (TCR < 10-6). In spite of the fact that the deserted landfills appeared potential natural contamination and defilement of groundwater; in any case, the wellbeing chance evaluation of the groundwater uncovered no critical carcinogenic hazard to the populace uncovered to it. Consequently, the require for water treatment and assessment of the soil defilement status of landfills.

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