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The public health effects of stray dogs on community in Mogadishu ? Somalia

Moktar Omar sheikh Mohamed, ahmed abdi hassan, osman Hassan afrah, shafi I abdalla moahmed

The study title was public health effects of stray dogs on the community in Mogadishu – Somalia, this research has been conducted since the un-owned dogs were increasing in the recent years in Mogadishu city, so the study generally focused on the health effects of the stray on the community in Mogadishu and specifically (1) common health problems such as zoonotic diseases e.g. rabies, dog bite injuries and (2) management of the stray dog populations in the city.
This is a cross-sectional study which was conducted in Mogadishu specially four districts (Howl-wadag, Abdi-Aziz, Darkenley and Hamar-weyne) randomly selected, in which quantitative technique was used. It specified the objectives of the study through systematic data collection that deal with the study of the research. The quantitative data was used through the collection of standardized questionnaire to explore the public health effects of stray dogs on the community in Mogadishu – Somalia and the data collected was analyzed in SPSS 20 version.

Отказ от ответственности: Этот реферат был переведен с помощью инструментов искусственного интеллекта и еще не прошел проверку или верификацию.