ISSN: E-2314-7326

Нейроинфекционные заболевания

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The Use of Drosophila as a Tool for Investigating Virus-Host Interactions

Katie Bryan

The exploration of neurological infections in humans is a complex task that faces both technical and ethical obstacles. Despite being less common than mammalian models, the utilization of Drosophila (fruit fly) in investigating virus-host dynamics serves as a potent research tool. By analyzing in vitro, in vivo, and transgenic systems, the paper showcases specific examples that demonstrate the fruit fly’s usefulness in studying viruses linked with neurological ailments, both external and internal. Additionally, the text discusses how studying virus-host interactions in Drosophila can aid in identifying new antiviral drug targets, and how antiviral drug screening in fruit flies is carried out. Standardized and reproducible readouts of fly behavior, motor function, and neurodegeneration are emphasized as important factors in enabling accurate assessments of neurological outcomes for the study of viral infection in fly models.

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