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Affain Sufi
Oxybenzone is a new aquatic pollutant whose widespread use has made it easier to find in exposed biota’s body burdens and surface waters. In this review, the sub-deadly poisonousness impacts of oxybenzone were learned at the earth pertinent groupings of 0.6 and 5.2 μg/L (counting 0.01% DMSO as the dissolvable control). The metabolic physiology of larval zebra fish (Danio rerio) after 7 days of exposure (from 2 to 9 days post fertilization) was investigated using an integrated in vivo and in silico experimental strategy. Whole-organ respirometry revealed a statistically significant twofold increase in metabolic rate for the 0.6 g/L treatment group; however, there were no significant differences observed between the solvent control and the oxybenzone treatment level of 5.2 g/L. Functional categories related to metabolism (metabolic enzymes) and biological regulation (genome regulation, cell signaling) were found to be highly deregulated in the analysis of whole-transcriptase RNA-sequencing data.