ISSN: 2161-069X

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Training in Laparoscopic Surgery in Latin America

Edmundo Dediós Orozco and Carlos Dediós La Madrid

Introduction: The training of Residents and Surgeons in Laparoscopic Surgery in Latin America is performed in the OR (Operating Room) on the patient, which predisposes to the risk of many complications, both during learning as during the daily performance of this intervention.

Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of the basic training program in Laparoscopic surgery in the development of cognitive and motor dexterities and skills.

Methodology: CEPCEA (Center for Studies on Prevention and Correction of Abdominal Diseases) has developed a 5-day teaching system, based on the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) development of tests in manual skills on inanimate objects, biological and human tissue and permanent creation of easy to repeat tips, we combine the best of each continent: the American FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery) Training, the Europeanoriginated Endotrainer and the Japanese KAIZEN. We took a pre-test and a practical post-test to the total cohort of trained surgeons during the period January-December 2016, tests which were based on time and on 20 theoretical questions with a value of 1 point per each correct answer. We used the SPSS v.21 as statistical software.

Results: The population tested consisted of 55 trainees from different Latin-American countries who attended in groups of 4 to 6 participants of general surgery (32), gynecology (11), urology (3), surgery oncology (3), pediatric surgery (1), and others (5) who, on admission, had a mean of peg transfer time of 189.6 seconds, which at the end of their practical training of 4 days was of 68.4 seconds; while the results of the pretest and theoretical posttest showed a media of 5.8 And 14.9 points respectively.

Conclusions: The CEPCEA teaching system is an efficient and necessary method for the development of manual and theoretical skills and dexterities in laparoscopic surgery in the various surgical specialties.