ISSN: 2167-7719

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Understanding Asymptomatic Infection in Marburg Virus Reservoir Bats: The Role of Immunoprotective Disease Tolerance

Brian Amman

Marburg virus, a highly pathogenic member of the Filoviridae family, is believed to originate from bats, specifically the Egyptian fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus, which serves as a natural reservoir. Intriguingly, these bats tolerate the infection without exhibiting any signs of disease, a phenomenon known as asymptomatic infection. This raises questions about the mechanisms underlying immunoprotective disease tolerance and its implications for both bats and humans. Immunoprotective disease tolerance refers to the ability of an organism to limit pathogen-induced damage without clearing the infection. Bats exhibit unique immune system characteristics, including a dampened inflammatory response, enhanced DNA repair mechanisms, and increased antioxidant capacity. These factors contribute to their ability to tolerate Marburg virus infection. Bats also possess a sophisticated innate immune system that promptly responds to viral infections while tightly regulating inflammation. Understanding the mechanisms of immunoprotective disease tolerance in bats may have implications for human health, potentially leading to the development of novel therapeutic strategies and antiviral drug targets. Studying how bats coexist with Marburg virus without suffering from disease can provide valuable insights into managing viral infections in humans and preventing severe outcomes.