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Understanding Pharmacological Side Effects in Young Cattle: A Comprehensive Review.

Ghosh Alberto

Pharmacological interventions play a crucial role in managing the health of young cattle. However, these interventions can also lead to potential side effects that may affect the well-being and productivity of these animals. This abstract provides an overview of the pharmacological side effects commonly observed in young cattle, highlighting the importance of preventive measures. Various factors contribute to the occurrence of side effects in young cattle, including dosage, medication selection, individual animal considerations, and handling practices. Gastrointestinal disturbances, allergic reactions, neurological effects, local tissue reactions, organ toxicity, and growth and development effects are among the commonly encountered side effects. Preventing pharmacological side effects in young cattle requires accurate dosage calculation, appropriate medication selection, proper handling and storage, adherence to withdrawal periods, and close monitoring of individual animals. The implementation of proper injection techniques and regular consultation with veterinarians are crucial preventive measures. By focusing on preventive strategies, farmers and caretakers can minimize the occurrence and impact of pharmacological side effects in young cattle. This ensures the optimal health and welfare of these animals, as well as the safety of animal-derived products. Veterinary guidance, responsible medication use, and ongoing surveillance are essential for effectively managing side effects and promoting the overall well-being of young cattle.