ISSN: 2278-0238

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S. K. Masthannamma T. Ananta Sridhar, B. Siva Sankar Naik, T. Anil Kumar

Hydrotropicsolvents may proper choice to preclude the use of organic solvents so that, a simple, accurate, novel, safe and precise method could developed for estimation of poorly water soluble drug, tinidazole. Solubility of tinidazole is increased by using 8M urea as a hydrotropic agent. tinidazole showed the maximum absorbance at 318 nm in method A,314-322 nm in method B and 268 nm in method C. At these wavelengths, hydrotropic agent and other tablet excipients did not show any significant interference in the spectrophotometric assay. The developed methods were found to be linear in the range of 5-25 μg/ml with correlation coefficients (R) of 0.999, 0.991 and 0.999 respectively.The mean percent label claim of tablets of tinidazole in formulation estimated by the proposed methods was found to be99.79 The developed methods were validated according to ICH guidelines and values of accuracy, precision and other statistical parameters were found to be good accordance with the prescribe values. As hydrotropic agent was used in the proposed methods, these methods were eco-friendly and it can be used in routine quantitative analysis of tinidazole in bulk and dosage form in industries.

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