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Elsayed MSA, Ammar AM, Elkerdasy AF, Abd-El Rahman H and Abd-El Rahman NA
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a serious poultry pathogen and zoonotic bacterial agent causes nosocomial infections. The prevalence of virulence determinants among P. aeruginosa appears to be lacking in Egypt. Therefore, this study investigated occurrence, antimicrobial resistance and virulence gene profiling of P. aeruginosa in broiler chicken. Thirty eight cases (22.9%) were infected with P. aeruginosa, high isolation from dead-in-shell embryos 26 (52%) and significantly different (p<0.0001) when compared with that from diseased and freshly dead 12 (12%). Haemolysin and lipase gave highest rates 28 (73.68%) and 28 (73.68%). While, gelatinase, lecithinase and protease represented 24 (63.1%), 26 (68.42%) and 26 (68.42%) respectively. High distribution of Exotoxin A ( Exo A) and Outer membrane protein (opr L) genes 100% with strong uphill correlation (r):1. Strong relationship between OprL and antibiotic resistance. High resistance 100% to Amoxicillin (AMX), E- Moxclav (AMC). While, resistance to Cotrimoxazole (CMX), Ceftriaxone (CRO), Ofloxacin (OFX) showed 90%, 80% and 30%. Besides, no resistance to Ciprofloxacin (CIP) and Gentamycin (CN). Significant difference between efficacy of Formalin, EDTA, Savlon and Thyme (p<0.0001). Although, great efficacy differences between the MIC of EDTA, Formalin, Savlon and Thyme with 1%, 3%, 6% and 8%, Formalin gave the highest efficacy with 10%. Uphill strong correlation between the efficacies and concentrations of Formalin, EDTA, Savlon and Thyme (r): 0.97, 0.91, 0.92 and 0.80. In this study, we focused on elucidating virulence arsenal and resistance of P. aeruginosa to most antimicrobials. Providing evidential clues about efficacy of some antimicrobial compounds and plant extracts.