Наша группа организует более 3000 глобальных конференций Ежегодные мероприятия в США, Европе и США. Азия при поддержке еще 1000 научных обществ и публикует более 700 Открытого доступа Журналы, в которых представлены более 50 000 выдающихся деятелей, авторитетных учёных, входящих в редколлегии.
Журналы открытого доступа набирают больше читателей и цитируемости
700 журналов и 15 000 000 читателей Каждый журнал получает более 25 000 читателей
Case reports are very important in any field of study including oral hygiene, these case reports present great amount of exposure and guideline references for young researcher and clinicians, who are stepping in to researches related to oral health.
To keep your smile, healthy, bright and fine
The key to keeping a bright, healthy smile throughout adulthood is to adapt best oral hygiene habits. Adults can get cavities, as well as gum disease that can lead to serious problems throughout your life, and hence it might be important to continue with some of the basics of oral hygiene:
Our special issue based on Oral Biofilm and Oral Surgery
And keeping this in mind Journal of Oral Hygiene and Health is working on special issue based on “Oral Surgery” and “Oral Biofilm (periodontal diseases)” and invite all quality authors to make submission towards it till March 2016.
Submission: editor.oralhygiene@omicsinc.com