ISSN: 2168-9806

Журнал порошковой металлургии и горного дела

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Electrolytic Metal Manganese Industry in Chongqing City of China

Wensheng L, Zuohua L, Changyuan T, Xuming W, Miller JD

Electrolytic metal manganese (EMM) is the main industry for Chengkou and Xiushan countries in Chongqing, which accounts for local GDP about 85% and 75% respectively. In 2013, hydrometallurgical produced about 200 thousand tons EMM from about 2.0 million tons ore. But the Energy consumption is over 6000 kwh per ton of metal with the DC electrolytic efficiency of less 75%, and simultaneously producing 10 ~ 12 tons of solid residue. With the development of the EMM, the manganese content of the ore continuously decreased to 13%, and impurities in the ore become complex. The present article introduces the current status of the local industry in Chongqing, scientific advances and problems are also discussed. The sustainable development is necessary for the local EMM industry; new products related to manganese industry are also proposed.

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