ISSN: 2168-9806

Журнал порошковой металлургии и горного дела

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Rheological Approaches to Assessing the Fresh and Hardened Properties of Cementitious Materials

Huanhuan Zhang

This article explores the significance of rheological approaches in evaluating the fresh and hardened properties of cementitious materials, particularly concrete and mortar. In the fresh state, rheological assessments aid in mix design, workability, and transportation. Various tests, including the slump test, flow table test, and rheometer tests, offer insights into flow behavior and viscosity. In the hardened state, rheology plays a crucial role in assessing properties such as creep, shrinkage, compressive strength, and durability. Rheological techniques contribute to the development of safer, more durable, and high-performance structures, ensuring the long-term success of construction projects

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